Winter Revelation
As you may know, I took a break from writing my blog. My hiatus lasted several months longer than I initially intended, but it has given me some time to work on a book and other projects. Trying to be a published author is daunting, but I have enjoyed the process so far. I hope to share more details in the months to come. In the meantime, I am embracing 2023 with great anticipation and have decided to jump back into a weekly reflection. So here we go…
Walking around my neighborhood the last few weeks, I have watched the last of the leaves release their grip and ride the winds. The nakedness of the woods is stark in contrast to just a few months ago. Despite the perceived emptiness, I have noticed things around me that weren’t visible in the fall. I can peer deeper into the trees and see landscapes that have been seasonally hidden. I can see the meandering paths of the creeks with much more detail. The sun creates more artistic shadows on the trails and dances uniquely on the captured water in the low places. In this bleaker time of the year, another level of beauty is revealed.
I find myself taking a look inside too. When I strip away all that covers who I truly am, I initially want to recoil in my vulnerability. However, if I choose to look at myself with compassionate eyes, I see someone who is worthy and valuable despite my flaws and scars. Just like discovering the beauty of the forest in this bare season, I can embrace my authentic self and be set free from hiding behind a mask. This enables me to live more fully and engage more meaningfully with the world around me. Maybe each of us can take some time to look deeper into our own “woods” and focus on what is truly precious within us. If we do, we open ourselves to healing, growth, and purpose.