What and Who

I sometimes joke about not being sure what I want to be when I grow up. Hidden in my sad attempt at humor is the reality that, even after all these years, I am still discovering new interests and opportunities that attract me. I love the work I have done up to this point; I am just curious what else might resonate with me. Maybe working as a naturalist for a park or wildlife reserve, running a retreat center, or setting up a pottery and carpentry shop.  I have come to know that you can do most of what you want to do in life, just not at the same time.

However, if we change the “what” in the previous statement to “who”, it gives the question a subtle twist: Who do I want to be when I grow up? 59 years in and I look at this proposition with different eyes. I want to be a man who:

·       Loves with his whole heart

·       Lives abundantly and transparently

·       Seeks truth with an open mind and spirit

·       Sees the good in everyone

·       Listens more than he talks

·       Works and plays with equal passion and compassion

·       Understands the need for accountability

·       Gives without reservation

·       Takes time to enjoy the natural world

·       Makes the most of the minutes in this life

I certainly don’t have everything all worked out. I’ve made my share of mistakes, hurt others deeply at times, and still stumble and fall regularly. I have found the ongoing need to unlearn some things and embrace new ideas. As a work in progress, I am incredibly grateful for the journey so far and the relationships that have made it all worthwhile. In the unlikely event that I do actually grow up, I hope I have made the most of who and what I am.

P.S. Thanks to all who follow my weekly ramblings. I will be taking a long summer break and hope to return to sharing my thoughts in August. Enjoy the days!


Winter Revelation

