
I bought a lemon tree for Ellen earlier this year. A few weeks ago, we noticed its first bloom. A couple of days ago, the smallest of lemons appeared. It’s funny how much joy that little green fruit brought us. It’s a way off before we will have a fully ripe yellow lemon, but we can see the potential in the sprout.

So much in my life right now is “just around the corner”. The long-awaited release date for my book, my new job at Stewarts Creek High School, and our new house being built are just a few things on the list. With so much anticipation, I find it challenging at times to be present in the moment. Often, I need to stop and mentally readjust to the here and now. It is helpful for me to focus on what I am grateful for at the moment, to take a minute to be mindful of my surroundings and who I am with, and to recognize the events and people that have helped me get to this day in my life.

Looking forward to good things in the future is a positive thing in proper balance. I just don’t want to wish my life away to get to the destination. In time, I hope to enjoy and celebrate all that is on the horizon. However, it’s important for me to remember the joy in the journey and what this moment has to offer. Like the little lemon, today is rich with potential.




Insights from Costco