Knowing When

A few years ago, we received an orchid from some friends. It brightened up our kitchen area during a trying time. Whether just naturally or a mistake on my part, the flowers shriveled up and fell off. The leaves and stem remained healthy-looking, so we held onto it. Other than a new leaf or two, nothing happened for nearly two years. There was a running joke about my pet stick plant. Several times we almost threw it out, but I just felt that it was still alive, just needing more time.  

About 5 months ago, new growth showed up on the stem. It’s a little embarrassing how excited I got when I saw this. However, waiting for the next step was excruciatingly slow. Just a week ago, our beleaguered orchid finally bloomed again. While this is potentially a trivial example, this long-drawn-out experience has led me to reflect on patience and perseverance. 


In so many areas of our lives, we face the dilemma of continuing to invest in things or letting go of them. Knowing when to give up on something is not an easy decision. It requires a deep understanding of the situation and an honest assessment of why we are so invested in it. This is even more complex when we are talking about personal relationships.  


I want to make it clear that there are many situations when it is the better choice to let something go. However, it can pay big dividends in some circumstances to hold on to a hope that is grounded in reality.  Making the decision of which way to go is really a case-by-case basis. There is no one answer. But sometimes, if we give the situation proper attention and enough time, beautiful things can happen. 


Do It Anyway


Tapping into Your Creative Spirit